Just started, let's see what cool things happen :)
Research in using Minecraft as a tool for creating custom reinforcement learning environments which line up with the open-ended nature of real world tasks.
ROS (Robot Operating System) is a leading tool for roboticists. Read about my work in modernizing robotics tooling.
Many pro cameras don't geotag photos. This results in difficult photo library management for travellers and photographers. We have the data to fix this in our phone's photo libraries, so why don't we use it?
Work in Progress -- A project to build the simplest possible robots to address real problems.
My work on helping the many branches and organizations inside the justice sector of the BC Government to securely and reliably exchange information and build cross-organizational digital services.
My contributions to Flojoy, a new visual programming system, designed to make hardware and AI projects easy for a no-code audience.
A quick & simple web based tool which transfers all your todoist tasks to Apple Reminders.
A schema builder for Sanity CMS. Used to quickly visually create schemas for the Sanity content management system. Generates TypeScript Interfaces, queries, schema definitions, and more.
HDR Photos (HDR colour profile, not the image processing technique) provide an incredible level of quality compared to standard photos due to their ability to render a much broader range of brightness. Let's explore their use on the web.
Building state of the art software, cloud, LLMs, robotics, you name it, for some really interesting clients.
I couldn't find a good game of Snake for Apple Watch, so I made one.
Create Timelapse’s with inconsistently exposed images, with incredible quality
Real time peer to peer voting. Simple and quick.
An all in one platform for scheduling office hours, interviews, and such at McGill University.
During my time at Amazon, I worked on modernizing the SWF (Simple Workflow) Console, making major improvements to the ways customers can troubleshoot their workflows and search for patterns of failures.
An innovative virtual art gallery, providing 3d, AR, heavy animations, and massive interactivity, all with a perfect lighthouse score.
Kinda meta, isn't it? Learn all about the technology behind this website.
Designed and planned a new product for use in the entire Rocscience suite of apps.
Competitive assignment framework for CodePost with public anonymous leaderboard, a custom benchmarks API, and more!
A showcase of McGill's top student projects in Algorithms & Data Structures, site archived for 2020 and 2021. Check out those animations!
I made videos and animations, built innovative assignments, taught to over 5000 students over 6 semesters, and learned a great deal along the way. Learn about my work as TA on COMP250 at McGill.
A general purpose GUI based time complexity analysis library for Java, as easy to use as JUnit.
Award winning animated, live streamed, and pre recorded content which has been used to teach over 3000 undergraduates at McGill.
McGill Robotics AUV for the RoboSub competition.